editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


What to Do About <i>Fake News</i>?
What to Do About Fake News?
People cannot always decide for themselves whether a message is false or distorted. No one is solely in possession of the final truth. However, getting the facts straight and actively pursuing \"counter speech\" is a task not only for the media but also for civil society and each individual user.
The Truth Behind Globalism and Why Americans Fear It
The Truth Behind Globalism and Why Americans Fear It
We love our country — it’s the best country in the world — but the idea of an overseeing government that isn’t ours makes us feel like there’s something infringing on our Americanness. How does something like that happen, what are we scared of, and how can you reach across the divide if it starts happening in your country?
Lithuanians Want their Children to Become Entrepreneurs
Economy, Society
Lithuanians Want their Children to Become Entrepreneurs
According to the results of a representative population survey carried out by “Spinter Research” on behalf of the Lithuanian Free Market Institute, 48% of Lithuanians wish their children pursued a career in entrepreneurship. Yet, the same group associates entrepreneurship with risk, innovation, and hard work.
Liberal Values Matter: Trust in an Individual
Liberal Values Matter: Trust in an Individual
What sets liberals apart from representatives of other ideological options is a strong trust in the capabilities of an individual and the key role of protecting the rights of an individual. Building a liberal community is currently of utmost importance, both in Poland and Europe in general.
Attention: Mediacracy!
Politics, Society
Attention: Mediacracy!
Putin’s Russia is the first country that has deliberately made the carnival a cornerstone of its domestic and foreign policies – in fact, of its entire post-Soviet political architecture. The first country to have established, one decade after the collapse of the Soviet Union, a full-fledged TV-run postmodern dictatorship – a so-called “managed democracy”.
Terrified Hungary
Politics, Society
Terrified Hungary
We must not remain silent, we must not accept fear. The government is still in power because it made people believe that it will protect them from the immigrants, NGOs, the EU and capitalistic and imperialistic American interests. And in the meantime they make people terrified of dissent.