editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

tax system

What Is Wrong with Polish Tax System?
What Is Wrong with Polish Tax System?
The tax system has a profound impact on a country\'s economic growth for two reasons. Firstly, in developed countries, taxes typically amount to the equivalent of one-third to even half of the GDP. Such a high level of taxation affects taxpayers’ economic activity. Secondly, for the state to collect taxes, it must maintain appropriate regulations defining the tax base and rates.
Polish Tax System, Second Worst in OECD
Polish Tax System, Second Worst in OECD
In the latest edition of the International Tax Competitiveness Index, Poland was placed 36th out of 37th OECD countries. In the international ranking of tax systems\' competitiveness prepared by the American Tax Foundation, only Italy scored worse.
Business Taxation in Baltic States: Sibling Rivalry
Business Taxation in Baltic States: Sibling Rivalry
The competitiveness of a country’s tax system is instrumental in creating a favorable environment for foreign direct investment, stimulating business, and advancing societal well-being. Competition based on endogenous factors should not be perceived as unjust or unnatural.
Death and Polish Taxes
Death and Polish Taxes
The current legal system governing the interface between business and state administration is far too complicated, and interpretation of the law often depends on individual decisions of the tax authorities and courts. In order to function in this thicket of regulations, highly paid advisors are needed.
Sound Policy Reforms Push Lithuania in Doing Business Rankings
Sound Policy Reforms Push Lithuania in Doing Business Rankings
Lithuania has long been praised for its rankings in the categories of starting a business, registering property, and enforcing contracts, but it has also been criticized for a heavy administrative burden and red tape pervading the areas of dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, and paying taxes.
Slovenian Tax Freedom Day
Slovenian Tax Freedom Day
On June 13, 2015, the Slovenes celebrated the Tax Freedom Day – a day the Slovenes stopped working for the government and actually started earning icome for themselves. The “holiday“ illustrates how much taxes do the Slovenes pay each year.
Let’s Raise the Tax-Free Allowance – On the Possible Alliance of Liberals and the Left Wing
Let’s Raise the Tax-Free Allowance – On the Possible Alliance of Liberals and the Left Wing
For years, liberals have been struggling to lower and simplify Polish taxes. The results are, however, rather “moderate”, labour cost remains high, the dream of PIT flat tax – once a flagship project of the Civic Platform – is rarely even mentioned, and the recent governmental “temporarily” raised VAT rate to 23% seems to be becoming permanent. Every year, taxes and charges to the benefit of the state, not visible at first glance, are raised.