editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Liberalism’s Pyrrhic Victory
Liberalism’s Pyrrhic Victory
Liberalism won, no doubt about it. The world is migrating towards more freedom, more equality, and as a result less poverty and war. Nazi Germany was defeated in World War II and the Soviet Union imploded unders its horrid lies. Why don’t we feel like victors then?
Marx on a Victory March
Marx on a Victory March
Marx is on a victory march. Even in Slovakia. And despite the local uproar caused by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker´s recent visit to Marx´s childhood nest to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the philosopher´s birth by celebrating his intellectual heritage.
Zoltán Kész: The Liberal Who Took Away Orbán´s Supermajority
Zoltán Kész: The Liberal Who Took Away Orbán´s Supermajority
Zoltán Kész’s victory shattered the two third majority of governing party Fidesz in the parliament. Using this supermajority, the government has implemented a new constitution and new laws curtailing the freedom of speech, human rights and the power of the constitutional court since 2010. Hungary has also become fearfully friendly with Russia regardless of the growing tensions between the EU and Putin.