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4liberty.eu N E W S L E T T E R [MAY 2020]

4liberty.eu N E W S L E T T E R [MAY 2020]

The May issue of the 4liberty.eu Newsletter provides an overview of the articles published on the 4liberty.eu website, serving as a starting point for further exploration.

Taxing Taxes: Labor and Capital in CEE: 4liberty.eu Review No. 12 Now Available Online
We are pleased to present the twelfth issue of 4liberty.eu Review, titled “Taxing Taxation: Labor and Capital in CEE”. This time our primary focus is the taxation of labor and capital – from the cases of Poland and the Czech Republic, to Ukraine, Bulgaria, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. We do, however, tackle also related phenomena – by showcasing, for example, the Slovakian take on carbon taxes..

Detmar Doering (FNF):
Ice Age between the Czech Republic and Russia
The COVID-19 crisis was used quickly and efficiently – now that there was no need for protests, he was disposed of: General Konev, Marshal of the Soviet Union. Not himself, of course, but his monument in the Prague district Bubeneč. Since then, there has been great disagreement between the Czech Republic and Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

Aleksander Laszek & Marcin Zielinski (FOR):
Wide access to data will allow for a better understanding of the mechanisms of virus transmission and progress in the fight against the epidemic. COVID-19 is a deadly danger for some people, but a large proportion of those infected do not experience any symptoms. Available mortality data show that the disease represents the greatest risk for the elderly and those suffering from other diseases.
Keit Pentus-Rosimannus (Academy of Liberalism):
It has been over a month since the emergency situation was declared in Estonia, writes Reform Party MP Keit Pentus-Rosimannus. The world has been put on pause, with plenty of reasons to think how fragile the functioning of the world really is. How interconnected it is.
Maria Slominska-Fabis (Projekt: Polska):
In Poland, it is common knowledge that Kaczynski is the real leader within the PiS camp, to whom both the prime minister and the president of Poland report to, to name a few. It was Kaczynski who ultimately needed to be persuaded by Gowin to delay the elections since they had little chance of securing legitimacy.

Dora Pakai (Republikon Institute):
Remote Learning in Hungary: Late Step toward Digitalization
The new COVID-19 pandemic has turned the whole world’s routine upside down at the beginning of 2020. Many have been forced to the online world to continue their everyday businesses, especially working and studying. Children and teenagers also participate in education online. However, this new form has its own issues.

Radu Magdin:
In times like these, despite a rally around the flag effect, which characterized the first 1-2 months of the COVID-19 crisis, what you say (and how you say it) becomes crucial for political and societal success. Words have become weapons of boosting credibility or demolishing crisis measures.
Visio Institut:
The protection of intellectual property rights is imperative to innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic growth. When these rights are not secure, products and their unique identifiers are subject to infringement. This reduces economic incentives to innovate or enter new markets.