editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Jan Oravec

ABOUT Jan Oravec
President of F. A. Hayek Foundation from Slovakia. President of Association of Entrepreneurs of Slovakia
This title of this article might ruffle the feathers of all those who think emerging comparisons between Brussels and Moscow are somewhat “crossing the line”. Buckle up, as the following paragraphs will show you why such collations are by no means an exaggeration.
Marx on a Victory March
Marx on a Victory March
Marx is on a victory march. Even in Slovakia. And despite the local uproar caused by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker´s recent visit to Marx´s childhood nest to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the philosopher´s birth by celebrating his intellectual heritage.
Slovaks Need Deeds, Not Words
Slovaks Need Deeds, Not Words
Why do conditions for doing business and entrepreneurship keep deteriorating when politicians are trying to convince us on a daily basis that they want to improve them instead? No deeds follow their words. Although the government pretends to listen to our concerns, they do not usually take them into account.