editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Karolina Mickute

ABOUT Karolina Mickute
PhD candidate in Law at Vilnius University and Vrije Universiteit Brussels. An associated expert at the Lithuanian Free Market Institute and a researcher at the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University. Her scientific interests include tax law, labor law, international comparative law, and EU Law
Happy Tax Freedom Day from (And to) Lithuania
Think Tank News
Happy Tax Freedom Day from (And to) Lithuania
Yesterday Lithuanian Free Market Institute celebrated the Tax Freedom day in Lithuania. A person earning an average wage here had to work 4 months and 23 days just to support government spending (and it would be way more if not for inflation). Lithuanian Free Market Institute calculates this with their own tax calculator that also provides a receipt for specific spending.
REVIEW #18: The Constitutional Court in Lithuania Talks the Talk, and Now the Parliament Must Walk the Walk: Family Protection Means Balance
Review #18
REVIEW #18: The Constitutional Court in Lithuania Talks the Talk, and Now the Parliament Must Walk the Walk: Family Protection Means Balance
Under Article 38 of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, the family is the basis of society and the State, and family, motherhood, fatherhood, and childhood shall be under the protection and care of the State. Even though the Constitution provides that families are the basis of society and what the concept of marriage is, there are still disagreements between legal scholars, lawyers, and politicians as to what ‘family’ actually means. The state’s obligation to protect families under the Constitution entails not only providing a regulatory framework for creating a family, but also the ability of the family members to make their own decisions in deciding what is best for them and their families.