editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


State of Western Civilization: Not Many Look Up
State of Western Civilization: Not Many Look Up
You can choose what to believe in, you will always find politicians, opinion leaders, celebrities, and even pseudoscientists who will not only strengthen your beliefs, but also fuel them for the sake of their own popularity and profit.
More Free Market or More Government? FOR and FNF at Economic Forum in Karpacz
Think Tank News
More Free Market or More Government? FOR and FNF at Economic Forum in Karpacz
“More free market or more government? How to strengthen post-pandemic recovery?”. It was the title of a panel hosted by the FOR during the Economic Forum in Karpacz, Poland, the largest conference of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe. The panel was supported by Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. Agata Stremecka, President of FOR, moderated the discussion.
Slovak Finances: Politicians’ Appetite Grows with Crises
Slovak Finances: Politicians’ Appetite Grows with Crises
Some respected economists identified the issue of consolidation in public budget already in 2022 as a third-order problem. From an analytical point of view, he is, of course, right. A one-year deficit of 10% of GDP is nothing compared to a permanent two to five per cent deficit in the pension system with a declining workforce.
Economic Misery Index Revived, Lithuanian Perspective
Economic Misery Index Revived, Lithuanian Perspective
The year 2000 was challenging not only for the global economy, but also for economists. They were also hit by the crisis: economic forecasts vanished within a day. However, the need to assess the economic situation and likely scenarios of economic development remained.