editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Emmanuel Macron

<i>Adieu, Pologne</i>? Poland’s Position in the EU
Adieu, Pologne? Poland’s Position in the EU
With electing the PiS government for the second time in a row, the hope for ending the crisis in the country ended. Any further delay of the ongoing processes from their further development in a hope that Poland shall return to the center of the political debate on the future of Europe seems futile.
Donald Tusk, Europe’s Liaison Officer
Donald Tusk, Europe’s Liaison Officer
With a presidential election looming next year, the prospect of Tusk taking a one-man stand against the well-organised machine of the ruling Law and Justice party (PiS) had come to seem risky, especially with all the lies pumped out by state TV depicting him as a puppet of Germany.
Macron’s Agenda: A Common Market with Borders
Macron’s Agenda: A Common Market with Borders
French President Emmanuel Macron has embarked on a mission to Central and Eastern Europe with a strange idea. He lobbies for a directive to shorten the stay and to increase the salaries of our posted workers, from the minimum wage level, to salaries equal up to the level of French or German employees in the sector.