editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Inappropriate Regulation of Appropriate Conditions
Inappropriate Regulation of Appropriate Conditions
The Slovak Ministry of Agriculture lists among its goals the support of Slovak agricultural production. Except their heavy subsidizing under EU common agricultural policy, it uses several tools of nationalist protection of local production.
Poland on Orbán’s Lap
Poland on Orbán’s Lap
It is Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán who is to defend the Law and Justice (PiS) government against the consequences of violations of the rule of law in Poland. These violations have led eventually to the reactions set out in the EU treaties. The Polish ruling party can blame only itself.
Slovak Government Shopping for Investors
Slovak Government Shopping for Investors
Automotive industry plays one of the most important roles in economies of the Visegrad Group countries. The sector became the regional leader in export and a reason for close ties among countries. Hyundai Kia in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is a textbook example of how one company ignores artificial national borders.
LFMI Launches Employment Flexibility Index 2018
Think Tank News
LFMI Launches Employment Flexibility Index 2018
LFMI launches Employment Flexibility Index 2018 for the EU and OECD. The index is based on the World Bank’s Doing Business data on labor market regulation and covers a set of indicators on hiring, working hours, redundancy rules, and redundancy costs.
The Social Pillars of Delusion
The Social Pillars of Delusion
The current social pillars are divisive, but the divide is not across the “East-West” lines or even the “liberal-socialist” lines; rather, it goes along the “reality-delusion” lines. Sadly, the proposed social pillars will not make delusional politicians to accept reality