editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Is Europe’s Googlephobia Justified?
Is Europe’s Googlephobia Justified?
Google has been targeted by the European Commission. The IT giant has been accused of prioritizing its price comparison services in search engines. To illustrate, when comparing prices from two dealers, Google Shopping comes out on the screen. Formally, one can of course justify an investigation as a potential abuse of the dominant position by Google, but what is the real cause?
2015 Free Market Road Show in Ljubljana
Think Tank News
2015 Free Market Road Show in Ljubljana
The 2015 Free Market Road Show® in Lubljana brought together leading businessmen, scholars, opinion makers, public policy experts, elected officials, diplomats, students, and other interested parties from across Europe and the world to discuss the kind of Europe its citizens want to develop.
An Alternative for Decency
An Alternative for Decency
Stupidity doesn’t characterise only boorish youngsters, whereas parochialism and outdated views are quite often problems of elderly men. All the above-mentioned characteristics constitute Alexander Gauland’s problem.
Economic Aspects of the Weak Rule of Law in Slovenia
REVIEW, Review #1
Economic Aspects of the Weak Rule of Law in Slovenia
This article tries to move from criticism to a constructive debate about the causes and possible solutions of problems in the Slovenian justice system. It highlights proposals for an organizational and ethical transformation of the Slovenian judiciary toward a stronger rule of law — not rule of men — which would maintain or even increase freedom for Slovenian citizens as well as their protection from abuses by the state.