editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Ongoing Echoes of Polish Political Earthquake
Ongoing Echoes of Polish Political Earthquake
In recent days, the media in Poland have been dominated by information about the dispute over the election subsidy for Law and Justice (PiS), as well as the intense actions of the new government aimed at addressing the abuses of the United Right authorities. The awaited decisions by the National Electoral Commission and the arrest of former Deputy Minister of Justice Marcin Romanowski are the main topics captivating public opinion.
Slovakia’s Public Wages: Highest in V4, Exceeding EU Standards
Slovakia’s Public Wages: Highest in V4, Exceeding EU Standards
The current process of negotiating salary increases for public servants should also be seen in the context of international comparisons. Slovakia spends the most on salaries in the whole V4, not only as a share of total public administration expenditure but also as a share of GDP. In these comparisons, Slovakia spends more than the EU average.
Progressive Tax Hidden in Levies
Progressive Tax Hidden in Levies
In its program statement, the government announced its intention to increase the progressivity of personal taxation. In the budget plan, it already speaks specifically of the intention to \"introduce 3rd and 4th personal income tax rates from 2025,\" which is expected to increase public revenues by EUR 78 million. A 3rd rate of 30% is to apply to annual personal income above EUR 80 000.
Every STEM Should Have Woman Lining
Every STEM Should Have Woman Lining
The EU recently adopted a directive to tackle the gender pay gap by introducing new bureaucratic obligations for employers. Similarly, the EU is pushing on other issues in the fight for gender equality, for example in the area of the low proportion of women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects, which reaches 33%. Consequently, women make up the same proportion (33%) of employees in technical sectors.
Bulgaria Is Already Rich According to World Bank – Now What?
Bulgaria Is Already Rich According to World Bank – Now What?
Earlier this month, it became clear that the World Bank has classified Bulgaria as a high-income country. This news is an important reflection of the long-term growth trajectory and catching-up process of the developed countries, particularly those in the European Union. Still, it is far from meaning that Bulgaria already has a guaranteed spot in the rich countries club and does not have any difficult problems to solve.
Economic Cost of Homophobia in Bulgaria
Economic Cost of Homophobia in Bulgaria
Bulgaria loses between 2.4 and 4.9 billion USD of additional GDP per year due to discrimination against LGBTI+ people, as estimated in a report[1] by the Institute for Market Economics (IME). Bulgaria\'s GDP could be 2.5% to 5% higher were there to be full acceptance and equality for LGBTI+ people, according to an estimate by IME based on the 2023 data.
Еuro Оutlook: What Is Next for Bulgaria
Еuro Оutlook: What Is Next for Bulgaria
In the past weeks, the convergence reports of the European Commission and the European Central Bank were published. The result for Bulgaria is expected - the inflation rate is higher than the reference value and therefore the country does not meet this Eurozone membership criterion. In practice, this puts an end to the question of whether the country can adopt the euro on 1 January 2025 - no, there is no such possibility.
Regulations Are Capping Our Freedoms
Regulations Are Capping Our Freedoms
Regulations are suffocating our freedoms, interfering with our lives, livelihoods, and comforts. Freedoms should be the priority of decision makers, but even the most basic freedoms such as those of trade and movement, vitally important principles in the EU, were set aside on the pretext of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Society of Myths
Society of Myths
\"In what myth does a man live nowadays? (...) What is your myth – the myth in which you do live?\" – once asked Carl Jung. The answer that I/we live in a story probably would not satisfy the master, but... for now, I have no other. They lead us through life from event to event, interweaving between what is important to us, edifying or ruinous; between moments when we wonder who and what we are for; when we choose the direction we decide to go.