editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Slovenia: On a Path Toward Liberalism
Think Tank News
Slovenia: On a Path Toward Liberalism
In cooperation with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, Slovenian think tank Svetilnik organized the 6th Liberal Colloquium titled \"Liberalism: Future for Slovenia”. The event was held between September 26-28, 2014 at picturesque Lake Bohinj in the heart of the Slovenia’s Julian Alps.
Backroom Politics Does Not Work Anymore
Backroom Politics Does Not Work Anymore
At the beginning the TTIP was received positively almost everywhere, but now many issues have stirred up the negative attitudes that result in attempts to make the TTIP seem unaccountable and undemocratic. Recently, the question \"Is the European Commission doing its best to keep the greatest possible transparency?\" has been gaining ground.
Economic Aspects of the Weak Rule of Law in Slovenia
REVIEW, Review #1
Economic Aspects of the Weak Rule of Law in Slovenia
This article tries to move from criticism to a constructive debate about the causes and possible solutions of problems in the Slovenian justice system. It highlights proposals for an organizational and ethical transformation of the Slovenian judiciary toward a stronger rule of law — not rule of men — which would maintain or even increase freedom for Slovenian citizens as well as their protection from abuses by the state.
Social Progress – Doing It the German Way
Social Progress – Doing It the German Way
With Germany at long last imposing a nation-wide wage floor, the country’s slowly conforming to the rest of Europe. Come the crisis and the erstwhile ‘Sick Man of Europe’ became the continent’s economic valedictorian. Extremely low (for European standards) unemployment rate cemented the make-believe caprice that it would work.