Under the pressure of unionists, local or state governments gave up fast – after all, they are not private owners, who protect their firms against the threat of bankrupcy, but elective clerks financed by taxes!
New populist extreme right which \"assumed a political party form\" is found also in other European countries and in the democracies of the third wave - post-communist countries.
We cannot agree to a situation when in the 21st century an autocrat - possessed by the nostalgia for the Soviet empire - leads the EU by the nose and deprives Ukrainian people of the longed for perspective of living in freedom and democracy.
As a political leader, he taught us modern patriotism - a non-insurgent and prostate one, based on understanding, compromise and the search for the things which connect us, not divide.
Fundacja Industrial publisher of Liberté! and Republikon Institute in cooperation with Res Publika Nowa invite You to conference “Euroscepticism – how to prevent citizens aversion to Europe?.