editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Female Politicians in the Public Eye
Politics, Society
Female Politicians in the Public Eye
Integrity Lab looked into the attitudes of the Hungarian society towards female politicians by a nation-wide representative research in order to better understand this phenomenon with special regard to the differences between voters of right and left-liberal parties.
Poles in the UK: Should They Stay or Should They Go?
Economy, Politics
Poles in the UK: Should They Stay or Should They Go?
A morning of June 24 was like no other. Some people were woken up in the early hours by a piercing sound of their mobile phones, when their friends wanted to reach them. Others anxiously climbed out of their beds. Most of them immediately switched on BBC news on their tellies only to find out that their worst fears came true – the majority of British citizens voted ‘leave’ in the EU referendum.
He Really Did Jump!
He Really Did Jump!
This is what my brother reportedly said right after I left the airplane on the paragliding course. The UK referendum was a similar surprise. It could have been expected, nevertheless I did not expect it. Supposedly, you cannot even slow down when riding the integration bicycle.
Hatred Is a Double-Edged Sword: Interview with Professor Tomasz Nalecz
Politics, Society
Hatred Is a Double-Edged Sword: Interview with Professor Tomasz Nalecz
Currently, we have completely different social stratification and the term “working class” is very obsolete. When we look at the rebellions in the times of the Polish People\'s Republic, the years 1956, 1970 and 1976 are protests of the workers. But 1980 was such an immense threat because then the energy of the workers coincided with the energy of the intelligentsia.
Poland: Towards the Black Scenario
Economy, Politics
Poland: Towards the Black Scenario
As for the parliamentary elections, I felt much more uncertain. Like many others, I took the possibility of a coalition around the Law and Justice Party into account. In this variant, the president\'s office in the hands of Komorowski became strategically important to prevent various anti-reforms (e.g. lowering the retirement age). I also did not rule out a weak coalition around the Civic Platform.
Which Parties Hungarians (Would) Vote For?
Which Parties Hungarians (Would) Vote For?
The Republikon Institute has recently conducted its monthly public opinion poll for the second time. The survey was conducted in days both preceding and succeeding the Brussels attacks, on a sample representative from the aspects of gender, age, level of education and type of settlement.