editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Projekt Polska

‘Immigration’ Challenge
‘Immigration’ Challenge
The information biases lead to creating a picture of Muslim migrants as homogeneous crowd of Islamists. Even if experts recognize that not all migrants are extremists, it is often emphasised that terrorists fighting in favour of the Islamic State might be among them.
Poland After Elections: Wind of Change?
Poland After Elections: Wind of Change?
One thing is certain: Polish politics will change radically after the October elections. At the moment, a conservative and populist government seems likely. The strategy to secure the postulates of leftist and liberal movements can no longer rely on the “lesser evil” argument. It’s high time for new initiatives.
Hate speech: European Union – Central Europe – Poland
Hate speech: European Union – Central Europe – Poland
The spectrum of hate speech is very broad, varying from hatred to extremely abusive forms of prejudice. Oxford English Dictionary defines hate as “an emotion of extreme dislike or aversion; detention, abhorrence, hatred”. And often the qualification of an action as “extreme” is treated as a decisive parameter in defining hate speech.
Ida: A Not-So-Much-Wanted Success
Ida: A Not-So-Much-Wanted Success
The main issue of the Ida debate, noticeable also in other societies, is an expectation that art will reflect our perception of the world. Books, movies and music should be well suited to be used against opponents. We don’t like art that induces questions and raises doubts. It should rather remain in line with our expectations and convictions. And that\'s not just our Polish problem.
Backroom Politics Does Not Work Anymore
Backroom Politics Does Not Work Anymore
At the beginning the TTIP was received positively almost everywhere, but now many issues have stirred up the negative attitudes that result in attempts to make the TTIP seem unaccountable and undemocratic. Recently, the question \"Is the European Commission doing its best to keep the greatest possible transparency?\" has been gaining ground.
What History Education Should Be About…
What History Education Should Be About…
Some progressive scholars, educators and policymakers acknowledge that history should not be perceived in the terms of national loyalty as conservative agenda wishes to do. What should be the main purpose of history education? The possible answer is: to develop critical thinking.