editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Regulations Are Capping Our Freedoms
Regulations Are Capping Our Freedoms
Regulations are suffocating our freedoms, interfering with our lives, livelihoods, and comforts. Freedoms should be the priority of decision makers, but even the most basic freedoms such as those of trade and movement, vitally important principles in the EU, were set aside on the pretext of the COVID-19 pandemic.
European Union Must Leave Its Kafkaesque World
European Union Must Leave Its Kafkaesque World
Yes, this comment is about European regulations. It started with curved cucumbers and today not a day goes by that I do not send a few swear words in the direction of the Belgian capital over some minor but all the more annoying interference in my life. Somewhere high above, noble intentions such as privacy, space for competitors, or less waste are floating around, but at the end of the day, Kafkaesque bizarreness falls out of it.
In Defense of Globalization
In Defense of Globalization
It is increasingly clear that free trade, in all its forms is good for everyone. Ever since David Ricardo introduced the concept of comparative advantage as the ultimate argument against the mercantilist policies that had dominated until then. Simply put, in cases where one party has an absolute advantage in the production of a particular good, both parties should produce what they are best at and then trade with each other.
New Big Tech Regulations To Slow Down Technology Innovation
New Big Tech Regulations To Slow Down Technology Innovation
July 3 marked an important stage in implementing the EU’s new big tech regulations under the Digital Markets Act (DMA). The European Commission started thresholds checks for large internet platforms that are considered to have a strong economic position and a large user base to impact the internal market. 
Doctor Google as Ally
Doctor Google as Ally
The pandemic period has not been kind to some patients\' relationship with health professionals. A period of information uncertainty, spawning hoaxes. The patient with their own opinion and their own information falls under a crooked gaze.
Coronavirus, Globalism, Communism
Coronavirus, Globalism, Communism
It was a long yearning of mine to write a short piece about political caricature in 19th century France. I will not. Not because I wouldn’t want to, or I wouldn’t think it’s interesting, but because you wouldn’t. I know this, because upon getting inspired to the brink of writing, I asked 4Liberty’s excellent editor, […]