editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


The main goal of the CETA - Centre for Economic and Market Analyses, is to analyze the market, socio-economic and political phenomena in the Czech Republic, and point out their impacts
Origin of High Inflation Rate in The Czech Republic
Origin of High Inflation Rate in The Czech Republic
High inflation has long been the most serious macroeconomic challenge our country has faced in recent years. It was far from being only economists who identified deep price instability as a major problem, as the wider public viewed the extraordinary rise in most prices in the economy with equal reluctance.
Why Does Central Bank Need Models?
Why Does Central Bank Need Models?
Not long ago, there was a debate in professional circles about the predictive value of central bank forecasts. They have been desperately inaccurate in the last few years, a time of severe price instability. The question has therefore arisen as to whether the models underlying these forecasts are sufficiently robust and realistic.
Are Speculators Evil or Good? Does Speculation Require Regulation?
Are Speculators Evil or Good? Does Speculation Require Regulation?
You have probably heard it before: „Dishonest speculators are manipulating asset prices extensively. They make unjust and therefore undeserved profits. These vicious individuals only enrich themselves immorally at the expense of society as a whole, whose members, unlike them, depend on honest work to obtain scarce resources.
Benefits of Single European Market: Case of the Czech Republic’s Economy
Benefits of Single European Market: Case of the Czech Republic’s Economy
The Czech Republic celebrated a major anniversary on May 1 this year. Exactly twenty years ago on this day, the Czech Republic joined the European Union, and thus became part of the Single European Market. Apart from the political implications, joining the EU had major economic consequences. These are the ones we are going to look at now.
Let’s Not Be Delusional, Euro Will Not Save Czech Republic
Let’s Not Be Delusional, Euro Will Not Save Czech Republic
Few things stir the public sphere as much as the controversial subject of the adoption of the euro in the Czech Republic. Although one side of the debate always vehemently puts forward arguments in favor of adopting the single currency, while the other side points out the unmissable pitfalls of the euro, one crucial economic argument seems to be continually neglected.
Myth of Resource Depletion Is Receding Again in 2024
Myth of Resource Depletion Is Receding Again in 2024
The latest edition of the Simon Abundance Index 2024 reveals how global resources are growing faster than population, disproving common concerns about the depletion of natural resources due to population growth. The fact that we live in a time of greatest abundance is only a consequence of simple market principles.
The Czech Republic in EU Single Market: Two Decades of Growth and Challenges
The Czech Republic in EU Single Market: Two Decades of Growth and Challenges
After joining the European Union, the Czech economy experienced rapid growth. Exports to EU countries soared from 25 billion euros to 188 billion euros in 2022. The growth rate of foreign direct investment increased fourfold after the Czech Republic joined the EU. GDP per capita rose by an impressive 46%. These figures speak clearly: being part of the European Single Market has become essentially vital for the Czech Republic.
Dilemma of Taxing Still Wine
Dilemma of Taxing Still Wine
In the Czech Republic, there has been a long-standing discussion about the possibility of taxing still wine. This issue is particularly relevant during times of economic crisis when the state is looking for ways to increase tax revenues. However, the introduction of new taxes should be based on a thorough analysis of impacts and should consider the insights and interests of all stakeholders involved to ensure that the tax is neither unnecessarily costly nor ineffective.
Let’s Not Raise Minimum Wage. Let’s Abolish It!
Let’s Not Raise Minimum Wage. Let’s Abolish It!
It is telling that the public almost unquestioningly believes that the minimum wage helps low-income people in particular. But as the prominent Czech economist Robert Holman writes in his textbook on microeconomics, \"If economists agree on anything, it is that legislating a minimum wage increases unemployment.\"
Economic Defence of Advertising
Economic Defence of Advertising
Advertisements are generally regarded as a socially undesirable phenomenon. At best, they are seen as a poor source of information about a company\'s products in an attempt to raise awareness of their existence and thereby win new customers, but more often as a despicable practice aimed at manipulating consumer preferences.