editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


ABOUT Liberte
Liberte! is a magazine created by young people in Łódź in 2008. Its mission is to promote an open society, liberal economic ideas and liberal culture and to organize a social movement around these ideas.
Fake Blue Monday and Cruelest of Months
Fake Blue Monday and Cruelest of Months
Not only do we need guides through the jungle of manipulated and false news, we ourselves, as recipients, should also cultivate the ability to think critically and develop the ability to check the sources, quality, and credibility of the information we receive.
State of Western Civilization: Not Many Look Up
State of Western Civilization: Not Many Look Up
You can choose what to believe in, you will always find politicians, opinion leaders, celebrities, and even pseudoscientists who will not only strengthen your beliefs, but also fuel them for the sake of their own popularity and profit.
Is Pop Culture Still Our Common Language?
Is Pop Culture Still Our Common Language?
Over the years, pop culture has been a very important part of communication. It was present in jokes, metaphors, and advertisements. In a way, it created the language with which we communicated. Both the canon and current fashions played an important role here.
Catholic Imaginarium Destroys Climate
Catholic Imaginarium Destroys Climate
Contrary to the laments of right-wing journalists, the Catholic imaginarium is doing great . The patterns of thought, speech, and deed disseminated by Catholicism and the wrongs caused by them still shape public debates and private discussions.
Noteka 2021: Polish Real Fiction
Noteka 2021: Polish Real Fiction
In the country of the Vistula River fiction is more and more often surpassing reality. In fact, it becomes reality before Poles\' very eyes. Moreover, they begin to arrange themselves in it, stunned by events that would have been unimaginable for the average person just a few weeks before. However, Poles, who are accustomed to living in the fumes of absurdity, quickly tame the next shock and come to terms with it.
How Different Are We? The World Seen Through Eyes of Right-Wing Voters
How Different Are We? The World Seen Through Eyes of Right-Wing Voters
More different or similar? This was the question posed by the authors of the report \"Minding the Gap: Deepening Polarization in Poland and Hungary\" carried out by 21 Research Center and the Project: Poland. The study included two focus group interviews with residents of villages and small towns where Fidesz and PiS were the dominant political parties in the elections.
People Responsible for Pope’s Money Accused
People Responsible for Pope’s Money Accused
The trial, which began on July 27, 2020 at the Vatican, is not just an investigation into the financial investments of the Secretariat of State in London. It is a \"hat\" under which a broader, international anti-corruption investigation lies. Moreover, the trial itself became known as the \"trial of the century\" before it even began.