editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Martin Reguli

ABOUT Martin Reguli
Senior Analyst at the F. A. Hayek Foundation, a leading Slovakian free-market think tank, focusing primarily on the areas of economics, social policy, and foreign affairs at the level of Slovak Republic and the European Union.
He is active in the consultations about the education policy as well as the digitalization progress in the V4 region.
He helped implement multiple projects and organize numerous conferences, bringing together different actors from the areas of business, academia, and the public sector.
He has experience in work in the legislative chamber and the executive, with the research and policy projects in the areas of economic and foreign policy.
He regularly appears in the media and offers commentaries on the key public policy areas
REVIEW #15: Myth of Autarky and Self-Sufficiency from Mercantilism to Present Day: Why Do We Still Fall for Idea When Dependent on Export for Survival?
Review #15
REVIEW #15: Myth of Autarky and Self-Sufficiency from Mercantilism to Present Day: Why Do We Still Fall for Idea When Dependent on Export for Survival?
Some ideas have a tendency to survive in the minds of people, no matter how many times they are proven wrong. The economic nationalism, under the name of self-sufficiency or autarky, has not been a new concept. The idea dates back at least to the era of Mercantilism of the French monarchy under Louis XIV.
Result of Brexit and Future of EU
Result of Brexit and Future of EU
One of the key topics of the past nearly four years has been the future face of the relations between the UK and the EU in the post-transition period era. Not many people expected that within the given time frame there would be sufficient time and willingness to reach a mutually acceptable deal.