editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Martin Vlachynsky

ABOUT Martin Vlachynsky
Since 2012, a member of INESS. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Administration at Masaryk University in Brno (the Czech Republic), and earned master degree on the University of Aberdeen (UK). He used to work several years as a web marketing and social networks specialist. His field of interest envelopes economic policies, regulation, and health care
Led by the Irish – Fiat Euro! 2/2013
The Irish are preparing their agenda, will we pay? Spanish retirees invested everything in bonds, not even knowing how. Congratulations to Ben. Not that the function of the Presidency had any other meaning besides the generous earnings for catering companies that will take care of the traveling Brussels circus. But when the Irish took the […]
We Have the Nobel Prize! – Fiat Euro! 41/2012
We Have the Nobel Prize! – Fiat Euro! 41/2012
We received the Nobel Peace Prize. The British want to have their own laws at home. Will we pay new taxes to fill in the Eurozone’s budget? ESM is officially working, we will see how much it will finally cost us. Red Cross is going to help Spain. Majority of us haven’t ever won any […]
Open Wallets – Fiat Euro! 40/2012
Open Wallets – Fiat Euro! 40/2012
Finally we are sending ESM our money. Spain is waiting for a miracle. Greeks saved money for karts. Iranians made a bomb – inflationary bomb! Similar bomb is predicted by FED’s models. So we finally have it. After months of negotiations, voting and ruling ESM – the permanent bailout mechanism – is finally here. It is the […]