editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Martin Vlachynsky

ABOUT Martin Vlachynsky
Since 2012, a member of INESS. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Administration at Masaryk University in Brno (the Czech Republic), and earned master degree on the University of Aberdeen (UK). He used to work several years as a web marketing and social networks specialist. His field of interest envelopes economic policies, regulation, and health care
Law and Disorder
Greek plans to overhaul three big state-owned companies were thrown into disarray by Troika, which insists on more decisive solutions. These three companies only made a loss of 130 million euros in 2011 and have accumulated 2.5 billion euros of debts so far.
No Plan B
Let’s see what kind of an enemy our politicians will find when trying to explain new problems. For example, when we’ll have to lend again to Greece, which has found an unfilled gap equal to €11 billion in its budget for 2014 and 2015.