editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

More Liberal Voices

ABOUT More Liberal Voices
More Liberal Voices is a project coordinated by the Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LFMI). Through this project we aspire to advance the liberal agenda in the EU decision-making process and to give an organized voice to liberal solutions by submitting rigorous analysis and responses to some key areas of public policy of the European Union. By pooling together the expert and advocacy capacities of the liberal-minded think-tanks in the 4Liberty network, we seek to multiply the outreach, visibility and impact of these groups in driving liberal policies in the EU agenda
Briefing Paper on the EU Agenda “Better Regulation for Better Results”
Policy Papers
Briefing Paper on the EU Agenda “Better Regulation for Better Results”
The objective of this paper is to comment on the “Better regulation for better results - An EU agenda” from May 19, 2015 (hereinafter – EU BR Agenda) in a broader context. The EU BR Agenda confirms the existing schemes and frameworks of EU Better Regulation policy, expresses a firm political commitment to continue efforts in this regard, and embraces evolutional – not revolutionary – novelties.
Distorted World of Cheap Money
Distorted World of Cheap Money
A few weeks ago, the Fed expressed no intention to increase interest rates, but the will to maintain the current ones of 0 to 0.25%. The problem is that cheap money does not only indicate the prevailing economic problems, but imply long-term negative impact on both savers and economy.
LFMI’s Position on Law on Land Safeguards
LFMI’s Position on Law on Land Safeguards
May 1, 2014 – A new recast of the Law on the Acquisition of Agricultural Land in the Republic of Lithuania1 (hereinafter referred to as “LAAL”), also known as the land “safeguards” law, has taken effect. The law stipulates provisions that limit the right to freely operate in the agricultural market by restricting agricultural land purchase and sale transactions.