editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Piotr Beniuszys

ABOUT Piotr Beniuszys
Piotr Beniuszys holds Master’s degree in sociology and political science; his views are to the right in economic issues, to the left in ethical and moral issues – i.e. liberal in both cases; the final chairman of Unia Wolności in Gdańsk, a former member of Democratic Party – demokraci.pl. He is a journalist of Liberte!
2017 Will Go Down Easy
2017 Will Go Down Easy
And that\'s how Law and Justice will put the safety of our country on the plater and place it in the hands of Rex Tillerson, for whom keeping Warsaw in the American sphere of influence lost any appeal along with the failure of shale gas extraction on our territory. And Tillerson will pass the plater on to his friends in the East.
Bad Deal
Bad Deal
It really is a pity that the politicians currently governing Poland do not concern themselves with the negative demographic trends. It is even more sad that they do not care about the future of Polish pension system and public finance system.
Germany, Keep Silent
Germany, Keep Silent
The sphere of entitlement and privileges of authorities and the sphere of rights and freedoms of citizens form a relationship which is characterised by inevitable and perpetual tensions. Every political system – may it be liberalism or democracy – works the same way.
.Modern Polish Political Polarization
.Modern Polish Political Polarization
Nowoczesna is a party of the responsibility for the public finances, of the sensible management of the resources – a party that promotes entrepreneurial spirit, creativity, innovativeness and free market. It is a clear antithesis of the vision of Law and Justice – which Civic Platform clearly is not.
The Price of Principles
The Price of Principles
Orbán is interested only in cash, not in values. His disregard for values or (to make it sound more proudly) for ethos of Western democracy continues for years and is expressed in many constitutional reforms or a positive evaluation of the model of the political system of modern China. He therefore easily avoids the topic of Ukraine\'s right to sovereignty, self-reliance in international politics and territorial integrity.
An Alternative for Decency
An Alternative for Decency
Stupidity doesn’t characterise only boorish youngsters, whereas parochialism and outdated views are quite often problems of elderly men. All the above-mentioned characteristics constitute Alexander Gauland’s problem.
On July 24, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg pronounced a verdict on the treatment of two former prisoners of the clandestine and illegal prison established in the years 2002-2003 on Polish territory by CIA with the permission of the Polish authorities of that time.
Europe Plus Hayek
First of all, because the current economic crisis will end. Its end will come about most speedily and effectively when the countries and politicians limit their efforts to end it, and allow the natural economic cycle to take its course and produce effects.