editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Position on <i>Equal Pay for Equal Work</i>
Position on Equal Pay for Equal Work
Under EU legislation, Member States are required to abolish any legal provisions contrary to the principle of equal treatment and have to introduce measures that would facilitate getting legal remedies in cases of alleged violations of equal treatment.
Germans Opt Out Of “Hartz IV”
Germans Opt Out Of “Hartz IV”
The study presents different models which take into account the consequences for the individual, the state budget, and the labor market. The suggested reform variants make it a significantly more attractive option for Hartz IV recipients to work more, by raising income retention by up to 40 percent.
Less Poverty or More Inequality?
Less Poverty or More Inequality?
Although we must admit the existence of inequality, why do we get so irritated by it? What is that 16-year-old missing to understand? It is the knowledge that inequality isn’t caused by someone biting a bigger chunk off a single global pie.