editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Economic Freedom Against Poverty and Authoritarianism
Economic Freedom Against Poverty and Authoritarianism
We sometimes hear that the only type of liberalism we need today is “political liberalism” while classical liberal ideas in the economy can be neglected. The view that we need only political freedom, without a broad range of economic freedoms, is not isolated and requires a response.
Macron’s Agenda: A Common Market with Borders
Macron’s Agenda: A Common Market with Borders
French President Emmanuel Macron has embarked on a mission to Central and Eastern Europe with a strange idea. He lobbies for a directive to shorten the stay and to increase the salaries of our posted workers, from the minimum wage level, to salaries equal up to the level of French or German employees in the sector.
The Benefits of Modern Retail in Bulgaria: A Fact-Based Study
The Benefits of Modern Retail in Bulgaria: A Fact-Based Study
The objective of the study \"The Seen and the Unseen Effects of the Entry of Modern Retail1 in Bulgaria: Facts Against Myths\" is to examine a number of popular claims that have been circulating in the media, and public debates. They often become grounds for political action and even legislative initiatives against modern retail formats.
Business Urges Ukrainian Government to Improve Custom Procedures and Increase Transparency
Business Urges Ukrainian Government to Improve Custom Procedures and Increase Transparency
The Ministry of Finance proposed to reform customs in Ukraine with the aim of better transparency and predictability. The model of the reform and changes in custom procedures is currently debated between the Ministry of Finance and the representatives of the Parliament and civil society. The reform will hopefully be implemented by the end of 2017.