editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


The Torpedoing of the Bulgarian Pension Model
The Torpedoing of the Bulgarian Pension Model
Just before Christmas, it became clear that the prime minister and the two major labor unions had signed a memorandum which not only prevents raising the retirement age, but also fundamentally changes the pension model of Bulgaria. Noteworthy, the main agents behind this decision were the same people who in 2010 decided to steal 100 million leva from professional pension funds, thus breaking the Constitution.
Why Get Rid of Investment Stimuli?
Why Get Rid of Investment Stimuli?
The investment incentives (part of state aid) are like a looser relative at a family meeting. Nobody is too excited to see him, but everybody is accepting that he has to be there. Every single economist will confirm that the incentive represents market disorder.
E-residency as a New Opportunity to Develop Entrepreneurship
E-residency as a New Opportunity to Develop Entrepreneurship
In the second half of the 1990s and the first years of this millennium, the secure information exchange system “X-TEE” developed in Estonia and an ID card enabling identification provided us with the possibility to offer Estonian undertakings e-services unique to the whole world: establishing companies online, submitting reports, tax returns and entry applications with legal meaning through online information systems.
Stop That Carrousel
Stop That Carrousel
Carrousel of changes at the Slovakian Ministry of Education is not an anomaly but rather an illustration of the instability and unpredictability, which in public sector seems to be adopted as systemic solution.
The Ukrainian Crisis of European Abilities
The Ukrainian Crisis of European Abilities
What will happen if there accidentally will be a change of government in Russia under the pressure of economic sanctions? This would be a success for European Union, but at the same time it would not solve the fact that Russian propaganda of nationalism has build anticipation in Russian society that a new leader will have to face, having in mind his own reputation.
Regulation and Use of GMOs in Ukraine: Neither Forbidden, Nor Allowed
Regulation and Use of GMOs in Ukraine: Neither Forbidden, Nor Allowed
Application of genetic engineering technology is strictly regulated in the EU. GMO as well as food or feed containing GMO is subject to a comprehensive authorisation procedure which involves risks assessment to human health and the environment, before the company is allowed to place GMO on the market. But how does it work in Ukraine?