Margaret Thatcher

One of the most important female politicians of the 20th century. Britain’s first female prime minister, who initiated liberal economic changes and led the country through turbulent times of transition. The fascinating story of Margaret Thatcher’s life in a 3-volume authorized biography is now available in Polish version, published with the support of the Economic Freedom Foundation.

climate change

The impacts of climate change are already noticeable. Cities are particularly affected by this trend. It is time to prepare cities for the consequences of climate change, focusing on the most effective measures. A new study by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation reveals how cities all around the world are tackling the challenge.

The gluttony of the holidays marks not only the end of your capacity to feast more but also the end of the year. Your stocks I am sure are full of presents, and you want to catch up with your reading list. Lest you are too efficient and devour all your books here are a couple of recommendations for the next year.

Russian speakers

Europe woke up in a different reality on February 24, 2022. Shocked, angered, frightened, stressed, outraged – we can probably find many words to describe the primal and visceral feelings of people. But there was one very clear-cut line: whether or not one supported Ukraine which fell victim to the barbaric and criminal Russian invasion. This was a turning point for many things, including shifting identities for many Latvian Russian-speakers.

Poland pledged to adopt the Euro when it joined the European Union in 2004. The adoption of the common currency will have a significant impact on the country’s future and will define our position in Europe. It should be noted that entry into the Eurozone is not only an economic issue but also a major political and social change.