editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Z-Winner Takes It All: What Will Future Parliament of Ukraine Look Like?
Z-Winner Takes It All: What Will Future Parliament of Ukraine Look Like?
While the vote-counting in Ukraine continues, it is already clear that President Volodymyr Zelensky has secured the power over legislative and, consequently, executive branches of the government. His political force, the Servant of the People party, has won a landslide victory in the snap parliamentary elections.
Facts and Analysis: Tailoring Work and Leisure Trade-Off
Facts and Analysis: Tailoring Work and Leisure Trade-Off
The EU sets minimum levels of regulation with respect to working hours. The research shows that the countries tend to comprehensively follow the set EU standards with regard to the maximum duration of work during the day, minimum periods of rest, and some aspects of annual leave.
Wishful Thinking in Disinformation Media after 2019 EP Election: Envisioning Huge Role for Eurosceptics
Wishful Thinking in Disinformation Media after 2019 EP Election: Envisioning Huge Role for Eurosceptics
During the EP election campaign, Political Capital and its three partners found out that both official Kremlin-backed portals (RT and Sputnik) and local pro-Kremlin media supported the campaigns of Eurosceptic parties by only describing their policy recommendations positively and exaggerating their chances in the EP elections1. Eurosceptic groups failed to achieve any kind of breakthrough […]