editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


No Need for Europe to Be Great Again
No Need for Europe to Be Great Again
There is no need for Europe to be great again. As a community it is currently the greatest economic power, which to a large extent already dictates the rules of the game on global markets. The only viable response to the ongoing challenges is a closer integration of the EU – to maintain the status of a global leader.
Call for Action: Stopping Hate in Poland
Call for Action: Stopping Hate in Poland
The assassination of Mayor of Gdansk Pawel Adamowicz has shaken Poland to the core. The tragedy may and must force us all to reflect on hate that has been getting out of control in the country for some time now. Hate that devastates the society and may destroy the Polish state.
Tax Competition Crucial for EU
Tax Competition Crucial for EU
In order for the EU to prosper as a political, economic and social construct, it needs to be more competitive – including in the field of tax policy, and also to respect sovereignty and find unanimously agreed solutions on major issues.
What Ukrainian Customs Should Do to Facilitate Trade: Regional Perspective
What Ukrainian Customs Should Do to Facilitate Trade: Regional Perspective
In compliance with the requirements of the International Monetary Fund, Ukraine has split its previously combined fiscal service into separate tax and customs agencies. This is a step in the right direction, which should be followed by re-orienting the customs to serve businesses and promote cross-border trade.