editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


On Review of SME Definition
On Review of SME Definition
The definition of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is an important issue, regarding not only a number of European policies that have been set up to ensure these SMEs benefit from financial support, fee reduction, reduced administrative burden, etc.
Automakers Good, Merchants Bad
Automakers Good, Merchants Bad
Mankind has made unbelievable progress in the last one hundred years. From horse carriages to moon landings, from typhus epidemics to molecular genetics, from conservative patriarchate to gay marriages. One thing does not change though – the suspicion, or even hate towards merchants.
We Are All Roma
We Are All Roma
Let\'s be clear: the call for racial profiling of the Roma people by the Minister of the Interior in Italy and the leader of the Northern Leaguefor the Independence of Padania, Matteo Salvini, is not a provocation, it is the announcement of a criminal policy.