editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Inappropriate Regulation of Appropriate Conditions
Inappropriate Regulation of Appropriate Conditions
The Slovak Ministry of Agriculture lists among its goals the support of Slovak agricultural production. Except their heavy subsidizing under EU common agricultural policy, it uses several tools of nationalist protection of local production.
Free Market Road Show in Warsaw, Poland
Think Tank News
Free Market Road Show in Warsaw, Poland
The Austrian Economics Center, in cooperation with over 100 leading think-tanks and universities across Europe and the Caucasus, and in association with international partners are proud to present the 11th Annual Free Market Road Show, which tours 40 capitals during April and May.
Unleash Your Inner Company with John Chisholm
Unleash Your Inner Company with John Chisholm
John Chisholm wrote an inspirational book based on his own business experiences, including his work in the Silicon Valley. In Unleash Your Inner Company, the author explains how to combine passion with perseverance in order to succeed in business, where passion without perseverance \"can be fleeting\".