editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Two Thirds of Lithuanians Lack Economic Knowledge, Survey Reveals
Two Thirds of Lithuanians Lack Economic Knowledge, Survey Reveals
As many as 81% of Lithuanians find their knowledge of economics insufficient. Making economic decisions at every step of the way, Lithuanians compare their understanding of economics to that of physics or political sciences, but find themselves less confident in economics than in computer literacy or mathematics.
A Small Burst of the Stock Bubble
A Small Burst of the Stock Bubble
Fear that people will not buy new flats because they will have higher interest rates. If the people do not invest more, the prices of these assets will stagnate or fall. Whoever buys in times of a loose monetary policy, wins. When screws begin to tighten, the winner is the one who sells first.
Using Enemies as an Opportunity
Using Enemies as an Opportunity
Those who want to stop populists need to learn how to plan strategically, set aside fantasies, and see the cold reality. They need to be proactive rather than reactive, preventively tackling the propaganda of the populists. Only when the strategic goals are achieved, should they feel good about themselves.
The Magic of Networking
The Magic of Networking
One of the perks of attending an elite school, be it Eton, Oxford, Cambridge or the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is not only the high quality education, but the network of friends one can build. Indeed, in Hogwarts, Harry Potter found friends, which was much more important than the spells he learned.