editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


SMEs in Ukraine Choose Fair Conditions Over Special Treatment
SMEs in Ukraine Choose Fair Conditions Over Special Treatment
When Ukrainian SMEs are given a choice between two options – to obtain certain benefits for their sector from the government or to make sure that the government creates equal conditions for all enterprises – they choose the latter. This tendency manifested itself in the results of the national “Annual Business Climate Assessment” survey in Ukraine.
FMRS Report: The World after Brexit and Trump
Think Tank News
FMRS Report: The World after Brexit and Trump
On April 28, 2017, INESS in cooperation with Austrian Economics Center organized in Slovakia Free Market Road Show, a part of a series of conferences and panel discussions that tours all over Europe – from Scandinavia to Montenegro, from Spain to Ukraine. Over 400 experts participate overall, presenting aspects of key economic questions in 45 cities, involving the audience in a vital discussion on economic and public policy questions.
Lithuanians Want their Children to Become Entrepreneurs
Economy, Society
Lithuanians Want their Children to Become Entrepreneurs
According to the results of a representative population survey carried out by “Spinter Research” on behalf of the Lithuanian Free Market Institute, 48% of Lithuanians wish their children pursued a career in entrepreneurship. Yet, the same group associates entrepreneurship with risk, innovation, and hard work.