editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


World Is Not Divided Into Men and Women
World Is Not Divided Into Men and Women
Let us not divide the world into either black or white, male or female. Polish parliament is not made up only out of men, the law instating ban on abortion is not only about gagging women. It is first and foremost aimed at limiting the rights of the entire civic society, it concerns and affects not only women but all of us.
Wake Up and Be Great, Necessity Calls!
Politics, Society
Wake Up and Be Great, Necessity Calls!
I don\'t care about politics, you say. My dear peer, my reply to this statement is always the same: if you do not care about politics, it means that you do not care about your money as either. When a politician indebts our state, we are indebted as well. Our children too. They will pay for your indifference.
South Park Politics
Politics, Society
South Park Politics
The Trump phenomenon has left analysts baffled. Who would have thought that such a clown can stand a real chance of becoming the next President of the United States? While most of the experts were still figuring out what on earth has happened, the explanation came from an unlikely source: South Park.
Terrorism, Poverty & Economics
Economy, Politics
Terrorism, Poverty & Economics
With the increasing number of terrorist attacks in Europe passionate debates all around in the ether picked up in pace, scrutinizing a range of complementary topics – from the circumstances of individual attacks, sources and causes of terrorism to distinct analyses of motives presumably prompting terrorists to carry out their disdainful acts of violence.
Slovak National Uprising of Entrepreneurs
Slovak National Uprising of Entrepreneurs
To know how to fight for freedom is important. But it is also important to know how to preserve this freedom. And a look into our recent past unveils that we lost it right in the years 1948 and 1968, although in the second case, we lost more or less only the hope for freedom. And unfortunately, we may lose it again.