editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Apply for Think Tank Fundraiser Summit
Think Tank News
Apply for Think Tank Fundraiser Summit
LFMI and Atlas Network are inviting you to spend two days discussing how to best attract more financial resources for the European liberty movement. This summit will feature eight discussion sessions on fundraising models, practices, and looming trends for the exchange of ideas among think tank CEOs and professionals from across Europe.
Lithuania Liberalizes the Labor Code
Economy, Politics
Lithuania Liberalizes the Labor Code
On September 14, 2016, the Lithuanian Parliament endorsed a new Labour Code which will bring about the most notable changes in terms of types of employment contracts, working time and overtime regulation, annual leave, employee dismissal procedures, and the size of severance pay.
Whose Interest Is Public Interest?
Whose Interest Is Public Interest?
Since personal interest is a mandatory attribute of a human life, i.e. humans a priori aim to meet their needs and follow their passions, it is unbefitting to assume that public interest exists away from the nature of human beings, for someone and in order to achieve something.