Zeman and Babiš Devalue Debt for 4,000,000 CZK. It Comes Back in 32 Minutes and 51 Seconds
The debt which was devalued at the Prague Castle, has been back in 32 minutes and 51 seconds. And then again. And again. And again.
The debt which was devalued at the Prague Castle, has been back in 32 minutes and 51 seconds. And then again. And again. And again.
Fidesz got so detached from reality and from its voters that the government can no longer assess how far it can go. Fidesz’s attempt to tax the Internet was the last straw.
It appears that if back then, CIA ordered them to insert their fingers into a paper shredder, they would gladly do that in accordance with this unconditional trust. Unfortunately, the consequences of such a behaviour may be far more serious than the Texas paper shredder massacre.
Bieńkowska stressed that Europe should “get back to work”. Such determined, thought-provoking statements are rarely heard in Brussels.
New Economic School – Georgia has the pleasure to invite you to the International Winter School “Bridge to the real life” held in February 2015 in Georgia.
The controversial preventive videos were released by the police force of Pécs just 4 days before the activist movement kicked off. The videos contain, however, a multitude of errors and misconceptions.
The sick man of Europe – France – is all over the economic papers for almost a year now. But while the critique focused on Holland and his companions, the biggest economic nonsense competitor walked quietly in the shadow – Italy.
An online tool created by Institute of Economic and Social Studies shows complete breakdown of member states’ costs and guarantees for the rescue of the Eurozone.
The signed deal on gas supplies from Russia allows Ukraine to be fairly optimistic about its energy future: Ukraine will have enough gas to last it for the winter and enough money to pay for it.
A former head of SPD, Matthias Platzeck, suggests the Western countries shall recognize the Crimea annexation by the means of backwards regulation on the level of international law.