editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Recovery Plan And Resilience Is Faltering in Bulgaria, And With It, The Reforms
Recovery Plan And Resilience Is Faltering in Bulgaria, And With It, The Reforms
The new government was elected already in June, but it remains to be seen how it will begin to solve the pressing problems caused by the lack of regular governance in the months before. The budget is one such priority, but let\'s not forget what happened with the National Recovery and Resilience plan (NRRP). Let\'s recall - the plan was adopted two years ago with a significant delay, which was the reason why Bulgaria failed to receive an advance payment for its implementation. 
Deflation Has Come To Bulgaria, But How Long Will It Last?
Deflation Has Come To Bulgaria, But How Long Will It Last?
Already in May, the National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria announced long-awaited news: on a monthly basis, the general consumer price index recorded a decline for the first time since the beginning of the war, and in June, this trend continued, even more noticeably. This has also been accompanied by a cooling down of the annual price change, which has fallen well below its peak since autumn 2022.
For The Last Three Years, Bulgarians Have Lost Three Years of Their Lives
For The Last Three Years, Bulgarians Have Lost Three Years of Their Lives
New data from Bulgaria’s National Statistical Institute (NSI) shows that for the time period 2020-2022, the life expectancy of the population on average is 71.9 years. The data examines mortality over three-year periods and for the first time, it comprehensively covers the rapid spread and high mortality resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic in Bulgaria.
82 Percent of Russians Plunged into Apathy
82 Percent of Russians Plunged into Apathy
The most recent poll conducted by the Levada Center, Russia\'s foremost independent polling institution, following Yevgeny Prigozhin\'s incursion into Moscow, leaves no room for doubt: 82 percent of Russians continue to express support for Putin. While not questioning the absolute precision of these surveys or their methodologies, it becomes challenging not to ponder their proportionality and, consequently, their credibility.
Poland’s Best Interest Is to Support Kyiv in the Fight against Russia
Poland’s Best Interest Is to Support Kyiv in the Fight against Russia
According to media reports, the Ukrainian offensive is progressing slower than expected. However, there are many indications that the main phase of the offensive is still ahead of us, and the actions taken so far have only been rehearsals. The attacks are advancing towards the Sea of Azov in order to cut off Russian access to Crimea and divide the occupation zone into two parts.
End of the Conscience Clause: Call for Change
End of the Conscience Clause: Call for Change
A survey published on July 5 by OKO.Press revealed a stark perspective: 65% of respondents firmly advocate for the abolition of the conscience clause in public health care facilities, while a mere 25% support its continuation. The implications of this data point to a significant transformation in recent months and years. This shift can be attributed firstly to the contentious \"verdict\" of the self-proclaimed Tribunal of Julia Przyłębska.
The Web of Innovation: From Railways to Routers – Journey through Connectivity
The Web of Innovation: From Railways to Routers – Journey through Connectivity
Connectivity has undeniably simplified life for people worldwide. However, the remarkable mechanisms behind this connectivity often go unnoticed as we simply enjoy its fruits. When talking to friends and family most do not know how exactly the Internet works. A study conducted in the US confirms this: 80% of respondents cannot explain how we get the Internet. It comes from the Wi-Fi, doesn\'t it?