editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Disinformation, Effectively in the Shadow of War
Disinformation, Effectively in the Shadow of War
We know that disinformation as a tool of war is conducted in the shadow of war in the sense that it is a continuous, systematic, and diversified process, used not only during wartime but also—perhaps primarily—during \"peacetime.\" In modern armed conflict, disinformation is the strategic use of false or misleading information to influence perceptions of reality, behaviors, and military outcomes.
Responding To Elon Musk: Will Universal Basic Income Save Humanity?
Responding To Elon Musk: Will Universal Basic Income Save Humanity?
Artificial intelligence and robots will soon create prosperity that will make human work superfluous, not to mention that there will not even be a place to work as we will become redundant. Echoing his earlier predictions, Elon Musk added that people will be able to stop working if everyone is paid a \"universal high income\". Not a \"universal basic income\", he argued, but a \"universal high income\".
Autocracy Blurs Lines between Truth and Falsehood
Autocracy Blurs Lines between Truth and Falsehood
If people are inclined to believe in things not supported by evidence, they are more likely to be susceptible to the lies of politicians. Disinformation, such as the spread of conspiracy theories to spread distrust among citizens, is a tool widely and effectively used by Russia and China. It is not just conspiracy theories, however, which are plaguing humankind, but a return of an unscientific way of thinking which enlightenment hoped to eradicate.
2025: Time of Uncertainty
2025: Time of Uncertainty
What do we need in a year of uncertainty? Determination, optimism, and faith that through consistent and resolute action, we can overcome the challenges the world faces today. Unfortunately, history may repeat itself, but that does not mean we are helpless. After decades of relative geopolitical stability, years of peace, a time of spectacular economic development, and poverty reduction, the world finds itself at a crossroads.
People Need To Be Given More Freedom
People Need To Be Given More Freedom
The state must act where there is no other way. However, when it intervenes, the state must be efficient, strong, and decisive. In other areas, we must understand that our success is a collective creation, with the main author being the free citizen. Life improves only when solutions are in the hands of citizens, not dictated by the state.
Global Climate, Anxieties and Perspectives for Young People
Global Climate, Anxieties and Perspectives for Young People
The Federal Republic of Germany, with its 16 states, has a federal structure. The states possess extensive powers, especially in the area of education. State parliaments make important decisions affecting the lives of young people in Germany. On November 8, 2024, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom participated in an expert hearing in the state parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, invited by the liberal FDP parliamentary group.
Regulated Rents, Unregulated Problems
Regulated Rents, Unregulated Problems
The German housing market is in deep crisis. Building permits are declining, cancellations are increasing, and consequently, fewer and fewer projects are being completed. This shrinking supply meets persistently high or even rising demand. The effects of this imbalance are immediately evident in rent price developments. Recently, significant rent increases have been observed, especially for new leases in Germany’s major cities.
Economy of Aid: How Sharing Multiplies Goodness
Economy of Aid: How Sharing Multiplies Goodness
Natural disasters have a remarkable ability to expose both the weaknesses of systems and the depths of human nature. The recent floods in Poland not only destroyed homes and infrastructure but also revealed something far more valuable: society\'s ability to mobilize and provide aid on an unprecedented scale. In a digital age dominated by social media and technology, solidarity has found new channels of expression.
Fullness of Lack and Lack of Fullness: On Creative Approach to Present Challenges
Fullness of Lack and Lack of Fullness: On Creative Approach to Present Challenges
We do not like to lack anything in our daily lives. We do not like scarcity. Or, to put it even more strongly – we hate it. But what would happen if scarcity disappeared, and we began to lack scarcity? It is also worth looking at scarcity from a philosophical, less quotidian point of view, which allows us, among other things, to see everyday life itself in a different light.