editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Undefinable Rule of Law
Undefinable Rule of Law
Certain Western European politicians think that in Hungary and Poland the rule of law has been damaged to a degree that is not compatible with the values of the EU. Meanwhile, the politicians of the criticized countries argue that the rule of law can differ between countries and is hard to define.
Toward Light, Toward Peace
Toward Light, Toward Peace
In each subsequent generation, we reproduce the reality of violence. Specific toys, such as guns and toy soldiers, computer games aimed at causing harm to another being and not bringing joy, the words we say – all this plays a role in shaping the reality in which we live, in which the next generations will live.
Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic
The pandemic continues, but the first data-based analyses are starting to emerge – and some conclusions may now be drawn. The most important indicator in assessing the response to the pandemic is the excess mortality – i.e. how many more people died in comparison to the average rate in previous years.
Infosecurity.sk: Bi-Weekly Report on Emerging Disinformation Trends
Infosecurity.sk: Bi-Weekly Report on Emerging Disinformation Trends
By Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom and STRATPOL – Strategic Policy Institute Project Infosecurity.sk organized by STRATPOL – Strategic Policy Institute and Slovak Security Policy Institute, supported by the Prague office of Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, continuously monitors the activities of both Slovak and foreign disinformation actors, but focuses mainly on the former. The […]