editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Call for Action: Stopping Hate in Poland
Call for Action: Stopping Hate in Poland
The assassination of Mayor of Gdansk Pawel Adamowicz has shaken Poland to the core. The tragedy may and must force us all to reflect on hate that has been getting out of control in the country for some time now. Hate that devastates the society and may destroy the Polish state.
Law on Education in Ukraine: University Students, Parents, Teachers Support the Change
Law on Education in Ukraine: University Students, Parents, Teachers Support the Change
In September 2017, the Ukrainian Parliament adopted changes to the Law on Education that established Ukrainian language as the single language of school education. The Law aims to fight discrimination of national minorities in Ukraine creating the possibilities to study Ukrainian language at national minority schools.
Is Santa a Communist?
Is Santa a Communist?
Let me tell you the truth about Santa Claus. If his Marx-esque appearance and red clothing weren’t an immediate giveaway, I must point blank tell you: Santa is a communist. So before you go wasting ink and paper writing your letter, hear me out.
Globalization and Its Critics
Globalization and Its Critics
In discussing the outcomes ascribed to globalization one should distinguish the symptoms from the causes. Globalization is to often blamed for the results of bad policies, especially those which hamper individuals’ adjustment to new pressures, and those which encourage them to take excessive risks.