editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Why I Envy the Scandinavian States
Economy, Society
Why I Envy the Scandinavian States
From a total of 34 OECD countries, 29 of them have a minister for regulatory reform – Slovakia is not one of them. 33 OECD countries have a permanent institution for overseeing regulatory policy – Slovakia is not one of them.
What Can Estonians Learn from the Digital?
What Can Estonians Learn from the Digital?
Estonia has set itself the goal of making better use of digital opportunities in teaching and developing students’ digital competence - the ability to use digital technology in order to better cope with studying and working, communicating within communities and simply as citizens in a rapidly changing information society.
‘Immigration’ Challenge
‘Immigration’ Challenge
The information biases lead to creating a picture of Muslim migrants as homogeneous crowd of Islamists. Even if experts recognize that not all migrants are extremists, it is often emphasised that terrorists fighting in favour of the Islamic State might be among them.
Human Freedom Index Is Now Released
Human Freedom Index Is Now Released
Hong Kong and Switzerland top the rankings of a new index released today that presents the state of human freedom in the world. The U.S. performance is worrisome and shows that the United States can no longer claim to be the leading bastion of liberty in the world. The Human Freedom Index (HFI) is the most comprehensive measure of freedom ever created for a large number of countries around the globe.
Turbointegration: Real Threat to Greece and Europe
Economy, Politics, Society
Turbointegration: Real Threat to Greece and Europe
The euro indeed plays a major role in the Greek drama, but the ultimate cause of the Greek economic turmoil lies somewhere else. The real problem is that the architects of the euro used it as a turbo that was meant to speed up the integration engine of the eurozone, while encouraging other European countries to do so as well.
War Propaganda and Free Press
Politics, Society
War Propaganda and Free Press
The events during the Christmas Truce 1914 were described by Robert Naiman as “the most morally compelling acts of spontaneous mass civil disobedience in recorded human history”. The anniversary of this date is a perfect opportunity to investigate the power and impact of free press not only in those times, but also in present day when it comes to Ukraine-Russia- conflict.