editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


The Austrian Economics Center (AEC), in cooperation with Civil Development Forum (FOR) and Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) are proud to present the 2nd edition of Free Market Road Show® in Warsaw.

FREE MARKET ROAD SHOW 2014 will take place on April 28th (8:30-13:10) at the Warsaw School of Economics (al. Niepodleglosci 162, Warsaw), Auditorium VII

Conference Topic:

The Future of Europe at Stake: European Elections Ahead – What is next for the Union?

30 cities, hundreds of speakers, thousands of participants – one common denominator: Freedom! The Free Market Road Show is one of the biggest events at which topics of free market and current European challenges are being discussed. The delegates can expect an exciting line up of professional speakers that will not only debate different European topics but also consider local characteristics – all leading to one central question: Is the future of Europe at stake?

Mark Klugmann (the speechwriter of R. Reagan and G.W. Bush), Dan Mitchell (Cato Institute, fellow Heritage Foundation), John Charalambakis (Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce, University of Kentucky), Barbara Kolm (Austrian Economics Center) Leszek Balcerowicz (former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Poland, President of the Polish Central Bank, now Chairman of FOR) and other international top speakers will share their unique perspectives during three exciting panels.

A detailed program of the FMRS 2014 in Warsaw:


Join the event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/546564248794955/

Please confirm your participation no later than: 24.04.2014.

E-mail us:

The participation in the conference is free of charge.

See you at FMRS 2014 in Warsaw!

– The FMRS 2014 Warsaw Team

Report from the event can be found here: http://freemarket-rs.com/fmrs-visited-warsaw-april-28th/