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Discussion Forum: Child Benefits for All – A Necessity or Waste?

INESS invites you to a discussion forum for experts and general public: Child Benefits for All – A Necessity or Waste?

The discussion forum is organized in order to evaluate family policy financed from the state budget. The discussion will not be limited only to the child benefits topic, the panel of speakers may talk about the whole concept of family policy, e.g. targeting benefits especially to the low-income families, increasing mobile casino public finance spending efficiency and evaluating a room for expenditure cuts in this area.

Date: 20 November 2012 (Tuesday) at 16:30

Venue: Palffy’s castle, Zamocka Street, Bratislava, Slovakia

<img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-2392″ title=”mloda_matka_2″ src=”http://4liberty.eu/phidroav/2012/11/mloda_matka_2.gif” alt=”” width=”220″ height=”160″ />


Miroslav Beblavy  (MP, SKDU-DS party)

Radoslav Prochazka  (MP, KDH party)

Anton Marcincin (advisor to finance minister of the Slovak Republic)

Jan Dinga (analyst, INESS)

Chairman: Radovan Durana (INESS)


R.S.V.P. by 19 November 2012: http://goo.gl/WJM0L

Further information: INESS, telephone: 421-2-5441 0945, e-mail: katarina.korbelova@iness.sk

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