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Think Tank News

Freedom Games Join Forces with Freedom Parade!

Freedom Games Join Forces with Freedom Parade!

We are excited to announce the collaboration between Freedom Games and Freedom Parade! This fall comes the “Turning Point” for our future and democracy in Poland!

On Saturday, August 26 in Lodz our “Turning Point” platform will appear at Freedom Parade. This event will mark the grand launch of our initiatives related to the upcoming elections and the unveiling of the 2023 Freedom Games.

The Freedom Parade is back after 20 years, proving a victory over the political decisions that took it away from Lodz residents and non-residents at the time. During the event we want to promote the ideas of freedom, acceptance, equality before the law, self-expression. We also want to remind that we all have an impact on the world around us. This fall, the future of ideas and issues important to us will depend on our voices. Together we can change and define reality through our choices.

We invite community organizations and activists close to us to join us and play, among them: Centrum Dialogu, Do dzieła, Dom Literatury, Fotofestiwal, Galeria WY (Fundacja Nowej Edukacji) or VIVA akcja dla zwierząt. Hyper_Matter b2b DJ Cold Feet,representing Fotofestiwal, will also play his DJ set on our platform.

Your vote is a turning point for our future!

If you want to learn more about Freedom Games 2023, visit the website: https://igrzyskawolnosci.pl/en/

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