editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


The Analysis of the Southeast Asian Peace as a Case of Succsessful Prevention of Armed Conflict and Political Competitiveness
The Analysis of the Southeast Asian Peace as a Case of Succsessful Prevention of Armed Conflict and Political Competitiveness
The Southeast Asian peace is a term denoting a relatively peaceful environment in East Asia (regarding armed conflict) in the post-Cold-War era. Due to the regional specificity, it is important to analyze which actors and factors contribute to the Southasian peace, and which – despite the absence of the security infrastructure – tend to defuse the potential armed conflicts.
From Swamp to Top of the World
Economy, Politics
From Swamp to Top of the World
The story of Singapore does not match the usual idea of combining democracy and the market economy. While in the developed countries of the West, democracy has been threatening the functioning of the market economy, Singapore and its authoritarian regime has maintained the status of the easiest country to do business in.