editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Brussels-Style Grilling
Brussels-Style Grilling
Hearings, even outside the grilling season, are done in a similar fashion. When a committee invites a guest for an “exchange of views”, the way it is handled in the committee is by and large the same. MEPs are lectured by the Committee Chair how to use their five-minute slot and how to ask a question.
Paris & Brussels: Oh, That!
Politics, Society
Paris & Brussels: Oh, That!
The sigh in the title refers to my experiences from my trip to Brussels back in March and to Paris in April. More specifically it takes me back to a Paris restaurant, Paris streets and to Brussels meeting rooms. Even though they took place in different environment, they are a perfect display of the current state of Europe.
Better Times
Better Times
Brussels occasionally gets sober from the intoxication of spectacular goals and strategies, paid by citizens. But sobering means that the goal is slightly less grandiose but in the end, likely purposeless and economically harmless.
Efficiency Instead of a Symbol
Efficiency Instead of a Symbol
Despite an ongoing crisis in the past few years, the governments of the 28 member states of the European Union agreed to spend 180m Euro per year and emit additional 19.000 tons of carbon dioxide into atmosphere simply to enable the meetings of the European Parliament to be held in two locations: Brussels and Strasbourg?