editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Economic Analysis of Digital Markets Act
Publications, Think Tank News
Economic Analysis of Digital Markets Act
The European Commission has presented a proposal for The Digital Markets Act (DMA). Its goal is to create fair and competitive digital markets in the EU. It aims to achieve this by introducing new ex ante regulations that will automatically apply to so-called \"gatekeepers\". The gatekeepers are to be large internet platforms that meet selected size criteria.
Shadow Economy in the Czech Republic
Shadow Economy in the Czech Republic
The Centre for Economic and Market Analyses published a study about the shadow economy in the Czech Republic. The study deals with the theoretical aspects of shadow economy, methodology and definition, it includes international comparison, determination of driven factors as well as provides a further analysis of chosen industries.
Czech Economy Thrives
Czech Economy Thrives
In 2014, the Czech economy did well. All reports have forecasted the same for 2015. The publication of the Czech Statistical Office dealing with the development of the Czech economy in the first quarter of 2015 confirms it. So how well did we do after all?