editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


What Do You Think Monsieur Bastiat?
What Do You Think Monsieur Bastiat?
Monsieur Bastiat would be surprised how close to reality is his well-known essay “Petition of the Manufacturers of Candles…” In this paper manufacturers of candles and everything connected with lighting have complained, via a petition, of the intolerable and predatory competition of the Sun. In which they claim to inundate the national market with the […]
When Wen Leaves
When Wen Leaves
As Wen Jiabao walks into the press conference room, lights focus on him and the applause accompanies his steps. Then, with his voice slightly cracking he said: “Journalist friends, this will be my last National People’s Congress press conference“. Wen Jiabao is the sixth serving prime minister of the People’s republic of China and ranks […]