editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


European Union Must Leave Its Kafkaesque World
European Union Must Leave Its Kafkaesque World
Yes, this comment is about European regulations. It started with curved cucumbers and today not a day goes by that I do not send a few swear words in the direction of the Belgian capital over some minor but all the more annoying interference in my life. Somewhere high above, noble intentions such as privacy, space for competitors, or less waste are floating around, but at the end of the day, Kafkaesque bizarreness falls out of it.
State and Citizen: To Serve or to Rule?
State and Citizen: To Serve or to Rule?
‘To serve or to rule?’ – this is a dilemma we face as we reflect on the fundamental principles of “the scope of powers [of the state] shall be limited by the Constitution” and “state institutions shall serve the people” on the occasion of the Constitution Day.
Alphabet of Liberalism: Competition
Alphabet of Liberalism: Competition
“Do you know what the driving force behind economic progress is and that we are getting a little better all the time?” Is it scientific knowledge? Technological progress? Are entrepreneurs behind it? New investments? Or a combination of all of these? One process is behind all these reasons. Competition