editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Czech Repubic

Alcohol in the Czech Republic during Pandemic: Moderate Drinkers Cut Back, Problem Drinkers Took More
Alcohol in the Czech Republic during Pandemic: Moderate Drinkers Cut Back, Problem Drinkers Took More
The COVID-19 pandemic brought about several socio-economic changes. However, one of them is undoubtedly the change in alcohol consumption among Czech consumers. Despite the fact that the aggregated data from the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) showed overall decline in average alcohol consumption in the Czech Republic during 2021, for some most-risky groups of consumers the situation has worsened.
Commonalities of Populism in Europe and The V4 Region
Commonalities of Populism in Europe and The V4 Region
Orbán, Kaczyński, Babiš, Salvini, Le Pen, Farage. Politicians from different countries, with different political affiliations, but they definitely have one thing in common: they are all populists. But how come, that one “ideology” can connect these different politicians with different political views? Well, in this article I am going to synthetize and expound these connection points in order to have the ability to forge counter-narratives.